
Community Event Planning, Second Edition

Created by Audrey Eschright (Recompiler Media)

We're publishing an expanded and updated version of our guide to running community-focused conferences, with new material on diversity.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Conferences in the time of COVID and unrest
about 4 years ago – Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 09:28:29 AM

Hello! It's been a while since you've heard from us, currently because the pandemic has had a big impact on my free time, and the Recompiler has shifted priorities somewhat as a result of an ongoing local Black Lives Matter / anti-police uprising. 2020 continues to be full of surprises, and mostly not good ones. The impact of events moving from in-person to online for the foreseeable future means that we'll need to revisit our outline and research plan, but progress on that is on hold while we focus on documenting local protests and police brutality. You can see those nightly reports on our blog:

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have questions about this, and I hope you're all as well as possible under the circumstances.

Tell us about your community events
about 6 years ago – Thu, Aug 02, 2018 at 05:50:41 PM

As part of the research for our second edition, we're doing an open survey of community event organizers. We'd like to hear about what kinds of events you're running and what you've learned in the process. Christie and I will be using the survey results to design follow-up interviews and ensure we address all the kinds of questions and needs organizers may have. Take the survey if you have something to share, and pass it along to other organizers you know. Thanks!

Sticker time
about 6 years ago – Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 11:51:54 AM

We're getting started on the first round of our backer rewards. This week we'll be sending out stickers, so make sure you've filled out the entire survey from BackerKit and given us your current address info.

sticker sets
sticker sets

You'll be getting an assortment of stickers from our favorite conferences and other projects. We're also sending out the first round of digital items, starting with the first edition Community Event Planning book, Responsible Communication Style Guide ebooks, and supplements. Next up is print copies of The Responsible Communication Style Guide in a few weeks (our printer is working on the re-print right now!).

Stay tuned for your first look at the second edition of Community Event Planning. We're making progress on a draft of two chapters for you to preview.

Thank you
over 6 years ago – Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 12:02:51 AM

With your help, we were able to raise $6133 to write the second edition of Community Event Planning. Christie and I are busy planning the 10th and final Open Source Bridge conference that will be happening later this month. It's giving us a lot to write about! We're also eager to start interviewing other event organizers.

Kickstarter has been processing your backer payments. Check your email if you aren't sure whether yours has gone through, because failed payments will cause your pledge to be dropped. We're using BackerKit to manage rewards this time, so expect to see a survey from them soon. You'll be able to order additional copies of the book at that time (and tell your friends who missed the Kickstarter that they can preorder).

Here's our estimated schedule for reward fulfillment:

July: stickers, digital rewards (first edition ebooks and Responsible Communication Style Guide packages), and print copies of the RCSG

August/September: the first chapter previews go out

April 2019: final book previews

May/June 2019: we print!

Thanks so much for being a part of our book process. We're very grateful for your support.

Almost there!
over 6 years ago – Thu, May 31, 2018 at 01:22:10 PM

We have 12 hours left to go and less than $500 to raise to make this second edition of Community Event Planning happen. Thank you so much to everyone who's supported us this far. We just need a few more people to chip in, so nudge your friends and coworkers and favorite conference organizers. Christie and I are excited to be offering these updates on inclusion, accessibility, and sustaining our events over time.